5 key performance indicators to monitor in buildings

Buildings are important assets that can represent a significant portion of a company's costs. To ensure their proper functioning and sustainability, it is important to monitor their performance.
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5 key performance indicators to monitor in buildings

The efficient management of a modern building relies on the collection and analysis of accurate data from integrated sensors. These data provide valuable insights into the performance and efficiency of operations. In this article, we will explore five key performance indicators (KPIs) that you can monitor in buildings by exploiting data generated by sensors, to maximize the efficiency and quality of your space.

1. Temperature and climate

Temperature and climate sensors provide essential data for ensuring occupant comfort. Real-time monitoring of this data allows you to quickly detect changes in temperature and humidity, which allows you to adjust heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to maintain optimal conditions.

2. Space utilization

Presence and motion sensors allow you to track the utilization of spaces within the building. By analyzing occupancy data, you can identify the most popular areas, optimize office layout, and allocate resources more efficiently.

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3. Energy consumption

Monitoring energy consumption using sensors allows you to precisely quantify resource usage. By monitoring electricity, heating, and cooling consumption data, you can identify bottlenecks and implement energy efficiency measures to reduce costs.

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4. Indoor air quality

Indoor air quality has a direct impact on the health and well-being of occupants. Air quality sensors can measure CO2 levels, fine particles, and other pollutants. By monitoring this data, you can take steps to improve air quality and create a healthier environment.

5. Occupancy density

Occupancy density is a key indicator of workspace management. Occupancy density sensors can track the number of people in a given area in real time. This data can help optimize office layout, avoid overcrowding, and create more comfortable work environments.


BAG•Tower makes it easy to monitor these key performance indicators thanks to its advanced integration. By collecting and analyzing data in real time.

Conclusion: Data is transforming building management

In conclusion, the use of data from sensors is revolutionizing building management. By monitoring key indicators such as temperature, space utilization, energy consumption, air quality, and occupancy density, building managers can take proactive steps to improve efficiency and quality of life in their spaces.

Explore today how BAG•Tower can help you leverage data to maximize the performance of your buildings.

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